James Merle

Postdoctoral Fellow
National Library of Medicine, University of Utah
Population Health Sciences and Biomedical Informatics

Dr. James Merle is currently completing an NIH-funded T-15 post-doctoral fellowship through the National Library of Medicine at the University of Utah in the departments of Population Health Sciences and Biomedical Informatics. He is trained in educational psychology, and received his PhD from the University of Minnesota. Dr. Merle is an implementation methodologist in training; his scope of research is developing and using innovative implementation tools and methods to support care providers and service systems with the goal of reducing disparities and improving care quality. Dr. Merle has contributed to implementation research across a range of service sectors, including school mental health, HIV prevention and linkage to care, family-based obesity intervention, cancer patient-reported outcomes, and job interviewing skills for transition-aged youth with autism, among others.