Pre-Institute Workbook Activites 1 & 2
Pre-Institute Courses
Pre-Institute Reading
Meet your small group during a meeting with your small group leader.
Meetings will take place on Zoom.
Tuesday, April 16
Wednesday, April 17
Room 1430
Institute for Social Research
426 Thompson St
Ann Arbor, MI
Drafting Primary & Secondary Aims
Summarize learning from day 1
Review agenda for day 2
Day 1 evaluation
Sketch a Randomized Trial Design
Summarize learning from day 2
Review agenda for day 3
Day 2 evaluation
Discuss day 3 agenda
Review questions or concerns with days 1-2 material
Developing an Analysis Plan
Discuss day 4 agenda
Review questions or concerns with days 1-3 material
Refine the Proposed Randomized Trial Design
Reflection & Intention-Setting
Closing slides
Final Q&A
Opportunities: Virtual Days, Follow-Up Video Conference, Survey to help us improve the training institute
Day 4 evaluation
Monday, May 8
Review day's agenda
Q&A · Danny will field questions submitted ahead of time
Review the sections of a grant that proposes a SMART
Recommendations for each section
Group Discussion and Q&A
IES Program Officer Round Table
15 Minute Break
Review key concepts from Module 4 and Module 5
Interactive walk through of annotated code in R to conduct primary aim analytics using data from a SMART.
You will not need R installed on your computer to participate in this Follow-Along.
Live demonstration of primary aim analytics in R
Opportunity to run your own R code (optional). To participate, install R.
Closing slides
Day 1 evaluation
Tuesday, May 9
Review day's agenda
Q&A · Review of questions from day 1
Review key concepts from Module 7 [M7].
Interactive walk through of annotated code in R to conduct secondary aim analytics using data from a SMART.
You will not need R software installed on your computer to participate in this Follow-Along.
Live demonstration of secondary aim analytics in R
Opportunity to run your own R code (optional). To participate, install R.
15 Minute Break
Review the sections of a manuscript that reports the results of the primary aim in a SMART
Recommendations for each section
Group Discussion and Q&A
Closing slides
CATIE next steps
Day 2 evaluation