Jessica Koslouski

Assistant Research Professor
University of Connecticut
Educational Psychology

Dr. Jessica Koslouski is an Assistant Research Professor in Educational Psychology at the University of Connecticut. Dr. Koslouski’s research focuses on the development, implementation, and evaluation of whole child policies and practices in schools. Whole child policies and practices consider students’ development holistically, recognizing that development occurs across multiple domains (e.g., academic, social, emotional, behavioral, health) and is strengthened or hindered by contextual assets and barriers. Dr. Koslouski’s current projects include leading the qualitative portions of Project ESSY, a mixed-methods project to develop and evaluate a whole child screener. She is also studying early adopters' implementation of Feel Your Best Self, an elementary social and emotional learning program that teaches students emotion-focused coping strategies. Dr. Koslouski draws on 10 years of experience as a special education teacher.